Post-Potter Depression [poh-st, pah-terr, dee-press-shon] noun: The feeling of sadness or hopelessness at the prospect of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling coming to an end. The joy, the tears, and the looming question of, what next?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog/Vlog Everyday in April

Throughout the month of April, as I am sure all awesome vloggers/bloggers know, it is customary to jump on the bandwagon and post everyday.

I have never done this.

Probably because I am a chicken...

I am always afraid that I will run out of things to say, especially with a blog like this. I always want to talk about some new and awesome book, song, or movie that made me fill up with nerdy pride but I can never get over that fear of falling short.

So this year, I'm going to let everyone else do the talking for me.

As I've said, I am not a vlogger myself but I do sort-of obsessively subscribe to vloggers on YouTube. I love listening to what other people have to say and one of the biggest cures for Post-Potter Depression that I've found is listening to other people talk about how much they love the series (and other nerdy things of course!). It makes me feel like a part of a community that understands and embraces all things dorky and awesome. Therefore, this month, I am going to post a vlog everyday that has, over the years, reminded me just how awesome the Harry Potter community is. If you have favorites too, let me know what they are! I bet we'll have some in common!

So for starters, my all-time favorite Harry Potter vlog. Personally, I don't think this video really needs an introduction because it can stand pretty tall on it's own. Thank you John, for finally defining the word "nerd" as we all know an love it today:

Obviously, if you for some crazy reason have not already subscribed, you need to go and visit John and Hank Green on YouTube. SO CLICK HERE.

Until tomorrow! xxx

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