Post-Potter Depression [poh-st, pah-terr, dee-press-shon] noun: The feeling of sadness or hopelessness at the prospect of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling coming to an end. The joy, the tears, and the looming question of, what next?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome to New York Harry!

The Harry Potter exhibit is officially open in New York City and I cannot wait to get there.

Unfortunately, this post was not up here earlier today because I spent the better part of this evening filling out a police report because some jerk stole my wallet. *headdesk.*

Anyway, the Harry Potter exhibit showcases a lot of awesome props and costumes from the films and  is making it's last US stop (at least for now) in New York city but this is definitely not the first city it's visited. If you've already seen the exhibit I would love to hear what you think because, as you can imagine, it has been an incredibly craptastic day.

Watch more of Kayley!!! She is awesome!

Also, I gotta have that mug....

Until tomorrow! xxx

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